
Users Getting Paid in Crypto

Setup and Onboarding:

Create your wallet:

Find your wallet address: Go to deposit > crypto > Solana / Stellar > Copy address Provide your wallet address to the person who will be sending crypto to you.

Crypto to local currency:

There are two options

Receive in CASH

  1. Get SOL to cover gas fees: Send SOL from any exchange to your Solana address
  1. Swap your tokens to USDC on Solana: Click on exchange > swap Solana tokens
  1. Swap USDC on Solana to USDC on Stellar: Click on exchange > swap USDc on Solana for USDc on Stellar
  1. Do a MoneyGram withdraw transaction: Go to withdraw > select country > withdraw with MoneyGram to receive cash

Receive in your BANK ACCOUNT

  1. Get SOL to cover gas fees: Send SOL from any exchange to your Solana address
  1. Swap your tokens to USDC on Solana: Click on exchange > swap Solana tokens
  1. Withdraw to your bank account: Go to withdraw > select country > select bank transfer option

Final steps

CASH withdrawals
Once you have a MoneyGram reference number, go to the closest MoneyGram location and give it to the agent to receive your cash. Don’t forget to bring your ID!
BANCK ACCOUNT withdrawals
You will receive the deposit in your registered bank account.